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Exposing Russia Explainers

Isolation. Russia ousted from 42 international fora

Limiting Russia’s participation and influence within international organizations, structures or projects

Since the beginning of the large-scale unprovoked war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, the efforts of the Ukrainian diplomatic service and state institutions have been aimed at ousting Russia from key international structures and projects, including by suspending its membership.

Due to the systematic violation of international law, targeted shelling and destruction of residential areas, crucial objects of Ukrainian infrastructure with multiple rocket launchers and ballistic missiles, killings the civilians and violating of the customs of war, Russia has lost the right to be part of the civilized world and a full-fledged member of international organizations.

Together with international partners, Ukraine is doing its utmost to ensure the international isolation of the Russian Federation.

As of May 2022:

Within the following international bodies, programs, and projects, the membership and participation of Russia, including cooperation with its state institutions and companies, were suspended or terminated:

  • the Council of Europe, including all statutory and working bodies;
  • the UN Human Rights Council;
  • UN World Tourism Organization;
  • Danube Commission;
  • the Council of the Baltic Sea States;
  • Barents Euro-Arctic Council;
  • European Utility Requirements For LWR Nuclear Power Plants;
  • Euro Geographics;
  • European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations;
  • EU Framework Program for Research and Innovation “Horizon Europe” (2021-2027);
  • EU Program “Erasmus +”;
  • Common Maritime Agenda for the Black Sea;
  • World Road Association;
  • PEMPAL (Public Expenditure Management Peer Assisted Learning Network);
  • International Council on Archives;
  • International Union of Railways;
  • Nuclear Energy Agency;
  • Suspended participation in all bodies of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD);
  • The Nordic Council of Ministers has suspended all cooperation with Russia  (Russia was not a member of the organization, but cooperated on a number of projects).

Russia deprived of observer status in:

  • European Organization for Nuclear Research;
  • Organization of American States.

Russia’s participation is limited in:

  • limitations were imposed on the Russian Federation on the use of the Interpol information system;
  • cooperation between the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Russian Federation has been suspended, including with the state corporation Roscosmos regarding the ExoMars rover mission to be launched in 2022. ESA terminated its cooperation with the Russian Federation on the Luna-25, Luna-26 and Luna-27 missions;
  • The UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) revised the implementation of projects funded by the Russian Federation in order to stop them and further block further funding from Russia. Participation of Russian representatives in UNECE events is blocked;
  • The decisions of the EBRD Board of Governors to stop Russia’s access to the Bank’s resources entered into force. According to these decisions, the EBRD will not enter into any legal obligations that would lead to financing new operations in the Russian Federation, nor will it implement any technical assistance projects in Russia. A decision was made to close the EBRD office in Moscow;
  • Within the framework of the International Labor Organization (ILO), technical cooperation and non-humanitarian assistance for Russia has been terminated, as well as the participation of officials and representatives from Russia in conferences and seminars;
  • postponement of all technical events in which the national standardization body of the Russian Federation occupies a leading position within the framework of the activities of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO);
  • limiting the participation of the Russian Federation in the operational activities of the International Transport Forum;
  • termination of Russia’s membership in the Geneva Centre for Security Policy Foundation Council.

Nomination of candidates from Russia is blocked in:

  • United Nations Human Settlements Program (UN-Habitat);
  • UN Environment Program;
  • United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE);
  • International Telecommunication Union (ITU);
  • International Maritime Organization;
  • UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs;
  • UN Convention on Biodiversity;
  • Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC);
  • Subsidiary bodies of the UN: Permanent Forum on Indigenous Peoples, Committee of Non-Governmental Organizations, UN Women Executive Board;
  • UNICEF Executive Board;
  • Custom Group of the Universal Postal Union;
  • all WTO bodies.

Moreover, Russia’s participation was suspended or terminated in many international sports organizations, including dance sport, kungfu, acrobatic rock and roll, poker, biathlon, fencing, luge, armwrestling, swimming, and cycling, modern pentathlon, speed skating, tennis.

Russian teams (national teams and clubs) are suspended from participating in FIFA and UEFA competitions for the 2022-2023 season.